Daftar Lembaga Pensertifikasi Halal Resmi Di Berbagai Benua
(PKPH, Yogyakarta)-Produk halal sudah menjadi trend global, dan kebutuhannya makin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, untuk memastikan sebuah produk adalah halal maka dilakukanlah sertifikasi produk halal. Berikut daftar beberapa lembaga yang secara resmi mengeluarkan Sertifikat Halal di berbagai negara.
Benua Asia:
1. Majelis Ugama Islam Singapore (MUIS) - Singapore
2. Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) - Malaysia
3. Bahagian Kawalan Makanan Halal Jabatan Hal Ehwal Syariah - Brunai Darussalam
4. Muslim Professional Japan Association (MPJA) - Japan
5. The Japan Moslem Association (JMA) - Japan
6. NPO Japan Halal Association - Japan
7. Taiwan Halal Integrity Development Association (THIDA) - Taiwan
8. Jamiat Ulama Halal Foundation - India
9. Jamiat Ulama I-Hind Halal Trust - India
10. Asia Pacific Halal Council Co Ltd (APHC) - Hongkong
11. The Central Islamic Council of Thailand (CICOT) - Thailand
12. Halal Development Institute of the Phillipines (HDIP) - Philippines
13. Halal Certification Agency (HCA) - Vietnam
14. Halal Accreditation Council (Guarantee) Limited - Sri Lanka
15. LPPOM MUI- Indonesia
Benua Australia:
1. The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria (ICCV) - Australia
2. Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia Inc. (SICHMA) - Australia
3. Australian Halal Development & Accreditation (AHDAA)
4. Global halal Trade Center Pty Ltd (GHTC Pty.Ltd) - Australia
5. Western Australian Halal Authority (WAHA) - Australia
6. Australian Halal Authority & Advisers (AHAA) - Australia
7. Global Australian Halal Certification (GAHC) - Australia
8. Asia Pasific Halal Service - New Zealand, Pty 2011 Limited (APHS-NZ-Pty 2011 Ltd) - New Zealand
9. New Zealand Islamic Development Trust (NZIDT) - New Zealand
10. The Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand, Inc (FIANZ) - New Zealand
Benua Eropa:
1. Halal Food Council of Europe (HFCE) - Belgium
2. The Muslim Religious Union of Poland (MRU) - Poland
3. Halal Quality Control (HQC) - beberapa negara Eropa
4. Instituto Halal De Junta Islamica (Halal Institute of Spain) - Spain
5. World Halal Authority (WHA) - Italy
6. Total Quality Halal Correct Certification (TQHCC) - The Netherland
7. Halal Certification Europe (HCE) - England
8. Halal Food Authority (HFA) – United Kingdom
9. Halal Feed and Food Inspection Authority (HFFIA) - United Kingdom
10. Halal Certification Services (HCS) - beberapa negara di Eropa
11. Eurasia Halal Services Centre - Turkiye
12. HAFSA Halal Certification and Food Imp&Exp Ltd. - Turkiye
13. Islamic Foundation of Ireland (IFI) – Ireland
Benua Amerika:
1. The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA) - USA
2. Islamic Services of America (ISA) - USA
3. Halal Transaction of Omaha - USA
4. Halal Food Council (HFC) - USA
5. American Halal Foundation (AHF) - USA
6. Federation of Muslims Associations in Brazil (FAMBRAS) - Brazil
7. Islamic Dissemination Centre for Latin America (CDIAL) – Brazil
Benua Afrika:
1. National Independent Halal Trust (NIHT) - South Africa
Semoga daftar ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua
Nanung Danar Dono, Ph.D.
Direktur Halal Research Centre, Fakultas Peternakan UGM
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